/j means joke. i meant it as a joke dont take it seriously its a funny
/s means sarcasm. sarcasm
/hj means half joke. it means im joking but not
/mj means major joke. its a major joke please do not even think I mean it seriously (used just like /j)
/lh means light-hearted. Dont take offense to it. i want to say it but it sounds disrespectful when it isnt.
/nm means not mad. im not mad at you or anything. (i usually use this when I speak in caps or come off as mad)
/srs means serious. when i put /srs beside smth it means im being serious about something
/nsrs means not serious. im not serious about something but its also not a joke
/hsrs means half serious. idk if this is an actual text indicator since I made it up but it seems self-explanatory. "If it wasn't illegal i'd do it/hsrs"
/g means genuine. im being genuine about smth
/gen means genuine question. my question is genuine and is a question
/rh means rhetorical. dont reply to the question or statement. example: "what will i do now /rh" dont reply with an actual answer
/nsxs means nonsexual (intent). i dont use it much but i do when needed. it means i dont mean it sexually
/nf means not forced. idk how to use this properly but basically if i put /nf at the end of something it means im not forcing you to. example: "you could follow me /nf" means its a genuine suggestion not a go follow me.
/nfta is not forced to answer. you dont need to answer me or reply to me <3
/pos means positive. i mean this in a positive way
/neg means negative. i mean it in a bad and negative way
/th means threat..... its a threat... you should run...
/ly or /l is lyric. for example: "its not what you're like it's what you're like as a person/ly"
/hyb or /hy means hyberbole. Use it for a statement that's intentionally over-exaggerated
/f is fake. I've never used this or seen someone use it (meaning I don't know how to put it in context)
/a means affection/affectionate. Example: "fuck you/a"
/nbh means nobody here; im not talking about anybody here. typically used in vents but could be used in different context too.
/li means literally. another way to say /srs i suppose
/ij means inside joke. "hajime is so crisp/ij" a joke only specific people will understand
/t means teasing. "you look like ed sheeran/t"
/lu means a little upset. "for the last time Bones im not a ginger./lu"
/mad this isnt an actual textone that i know of. its made-up /mad is literally mad. your mad.
/m is metaphorically. You're statement isnt supposed to he taken literally
/ref means reference. "oh no, our table.. its broken /ref" you're referencing something.
/neu means neutral connotation. your statement is neither /pos or /neg but may come off as one of the two